Laurah John guest speaker

WMS is proud to announce this year’s young alumnae/i Commencement speaker. In keeping with recent tradition, the Alumnae/i office has seinvited a graduate to return as Commencement speaker on the anniversary of his/her 10th graduation from The White Mountain School. Recent young Alumnae/i commencement speakers have included Kelly Cornell ’04 and Laurah John ’05. We are excited to share that Alex Foss ’06, a Young Alumnae/i Trustee at WMS, will deliver this year’s address.

From Echoes, 2015:

After WMS Alex attended the University of New Hampshire earning a B.S. in Business Administration, a B.A. in Communication and minors in German, Spanish, Music and Cinema.

He is now a Consultant in the San Francisco office of Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy. With Interbrand, Alex has helped some of the world’s largest brands understand their competitors, position themselves in the market, and shape their corporate identity. His clients are from industries as diverse as consumer technology, luxury jewelry and financial services.

Alex writes, “Since my mom became the Director of Finance and Operations nearly 20 years ago, The White Mountain School has been a big part of my life. My four years there from 2002
to 2006 were transformative; I gained a world-class education and lifelong friends. I’m convinced that WMS is the best high school in the world. I said “yes” to serving as a Trustee in order to give back to this wonderful community and help protect it for future generations of students.”

Congratulations and welcome back, Alex!

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