The White Mountain Boarding School Drone Image

Students in the Driver’s Seat

Are you curious? Do you wish you had more input into what you are learning? Well, we are a school that asks questions. At The White Mountain School, we embrace student-driven inquiry as the driving philosophy behind our approach to teaching and learning. We know students learn best when they are invested and find purpose in what they are studying and when their work has an authentic audience. We believe that each student has strengths that, when identified, can be harnessed, allowing each student to engage and find success in work that matters to them. We encourage students to boldly pursue new and exciting lines of thinking, pushing and inspiring them to live and grow into their creative and intellectual potential. We do this in many ways. Most importantly, we do this through relationships.

A School Built on Relationships 

We know—from experience and research—that students who have strong relationships with their teachers are more likely to succeed. With 140 students, we value the teacher and student relationships through absolute numbers rather than ratios. Our students are known—and known well—by everyone in the community. Teachers and students intersect throughout the day in multiple dimensions, from dorm life to work jobs, from our athletic and co-curricular programs to the classroom. 

Through building a caring and intentional community, the School has created a student culture that is healthy and joyful, curious and kind. This cultural piece matters because when students feel safe and known and are grounded and feel joyful, they are better poised to think and learn with creativity, clarity, and confidence. Furthermore, when teachers know their students—and students know themselves—learning can become authentically student-driven.

Our teachers look forward to getting to know you, exploring, and asking questions with you. They look forward to celebrating our campus’s beauty with you, and they look forward to enjoying the kindness and openness of the White Mountain community with you.

Academic Leadership and Support Team

At White Mountain, we take pride in having friendly, knowledgeable professionals on our academics leadership and support team—many of whom live on campus. From registering for classes or navigating the Essential Skills and Habits to enrolling your student in the Learning Center or planning for college, our team is here to help you or your student with any questions or concerns!

Becky Beno

Director of the Learning Center

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Barbara Buckley

Director of College Counseling

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Sam Murray

Director of Outdoor Education

Emily Strahler

Academic Dean

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